
Margaret C.
Hello! I'm Rosa!
Pet Pleasures: Having the exact change to pay for something.
Pet Peeves: People who are chronically late.
Arrived at FARRM: 2019
Sex: Female
Age: 1999
About: Rosa was surrendered by an elderly woman who could no longer take care of her and her herd. Rosa arrived at FARRM with Clifford, (as well as Thistle and C.C. who have unfortunately since crossed the rainbow bridge), as our first donkey residents! When the four arrived, they were severely overweight and had foundered.
Founder is the common name for laminitis, a condition that inflames the laminae within the hoof. It can cause lameness in equines and is usually caused by a rich, unbalanced diet. It can be very painful and uncomfortable if it goes untreated.
Upon arriving, Rosa and her herd were put on a very strict diet to get their founder under control. They have since made a wonderful recovery and remain on a firm diet, as donkeys gain weight quite easily. Donkeys by nature are gentle, faithful souls despite their bad reputations and Rosa is no exception!
Rosa is arguably one of our most darling residents. She is kind, soft, and delicate. Rosa absolutely adores people and has a calming aura. She spends her days bonding with her herd, giving velvet kisses to our volunteers, and spreading her love.