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Colleen S.

Hello! I'm Jade! 


Pet Pleasures:  Rice Pudding.

Pet Peeves:  MAGA Hats!

Arrived at FARRM:  2022

Sex:  Female

Age:   2021


About:  Jade was a feral acting cat that started showing up at FARRM in the winter of 2022. Jade was very wild and very hard to trap to spay and vaccinate. When ferals like Jade come around to eat but are extremely fearful of humans, it takes time to build trust. Trying to trap a feral cat that just started showing up too soon, can be detrimental and if the humans of FARRM are not successful, the cat may never come around again. 

In the spring of 2023, Jade began hanging around our hay bales and acting unlike herself. She wouldn't scatter upon seeing humans anymore and was actually a little more friendly. Upon investigation, we discovered that Jade had given birth to a litter of kittens in a stack of hay bales on the property. Due to being born in bales of hay, Jade's kittens were extremely ill. All 3 had severe upper respiratory issues and poor immune systems. One of her kittens passed away of a respiratory infection shortly after they were found, but brothers Dale and Brennan slowly recovered. Jade was spayed and vaccinated and spent months inside being an amazing mum to her two boys. 

After watching her boys grow, it was decided that Jade would be happiest returning back outside. Jade spends her days cuddled up with her best buddy Gordo, a tiny pig who has his own space due to some health concerns and his size. Jade is the perfect companion for Gordo and enjoys sharing breakfast with him in the mornings, snuggling in fuzzy blankets in his shelter, and whispering sweet nothings to him. We believe it is because of this friendship that Jade is now allowing for humans to pet her and is slowly moving away from her feral ways.

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